Protect your family - EMF Neutralizer Australia - Eliminate Radiation Today

Protect your family - EMF Neutralizer Australia - Eliminate Radiation Today
Are you a Professional working in an office or someone working from home. Have you realized we are surrounded by EMF and Wi-Fi radiation?
I realized I was surrounded wherever I went
Everything is Wi-Fi now.
SO yes we are surrounded with lights, computers, lights, videos phones, notepads, air conditioners and more.
It is important for you to have a think about this, and about protecting yourself and your workers or friends and family from harmful radiations.
The phone, computer or tablet, and screens you are using to read this website right now is emitting electromagnetic fields (EMFs). There exists thousands of studies showing how these EMFs are harmful to us and even to our DNA.
Additionally, 5G, Wi-Fi and smart meters are only increasing the amount of radiation we are exposed to each day, which leads to the most important question to ask yourself regarding EMF radiation:"
Am I using anything to protect myself and my music team from the EMFs coming off the device I am using at this very moment?"
Are you, your team and family protected from
5G Radiation.
Why Are EMFs Harmful? Harmful EMFs can damage our DNA and damage the DNA of all of life around us and so we need to be doing all we can to protect ourselves.
If you have kids, you should know that children’s brains have been shown to absorb even more radiation than adults do! That means that protecting both adults and children are immensely important, especially with 5 G radiation rolling out across our world.
We are experts in EMF protection, thanks to our scientist and creator of the technology having patents in 2G, 3G and other related technologies, which gives us the ability to actually help you protect yourself with products that actually work!
Our Cell phone Discs and Computer Strips protect us from the harmful portion of the RF (radio frequency) signalling from towers and millimetre wave antennas, while not affecting the transmission of information at all. In other words, our discs and strips protect us from the harmful frequencies while not lowering your signal or connection of the device you're using.
Do Your Products Actually Work?
Yes! Our technology has been shown to reinforce the (-) surface charge of blood cells, creating normal and healthy oxygen flow. EMFs are known to clump red blood cells together, which reduces overall cellular health in many ways.
We sometimes experience this as headaches, fatigue, brain fog or inflammation. Because our products reinforce the natural (-) surface charge of red blood cells, our EMF protection technology supports normal blood flow and oxygen transportation. This all means that our products are scientifically-validated to actually work! Protect yourself and your family now.
Order your products online now
Visit our website.... EMF PRODUCTS.
· Cell Phone EMF Protection Discs. Add to all mobile devices.
· EMF Computer patch. Add to all your computers and screens
· EMF Body Relief patch. If you are suffering from aches and pains
· EMF WELLNESS WRIST BAND provides a unique way to protect you in your environment.
BODY RELIEF PATCHES. "The Body Relief patches helped me with neck pain I had from sleeping in an awkward position. I placed them on my neck and with what usually takes about a week, took about 2 days. I know it helped a lot." Our Body Relief Patch is designed to offer your body relief in times of occasional aches and pains, as well as to support a healthy inflammatory response. These patches are very popular and simply work! Protect yourself and your family now.
Click on our link in the description below. Order your EMF protection.
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